Thursday, February 5, 2015

February Goals

Hey Ladies! It has been a hefty couple of days since I last blogged. I guess I have just gotten a little busy here lately. But I am back for now and sharing some of my goals that I have for the month of February. Nothing too big from what I tried to focus on in January but also a couple that I am really having to remind myself to refrain from and stick to them.

+Read. More. Books. 
really this is something that has become redundant in my head for the whole year. I have been horrible about reading in the last couple years and I seldom picked up any books. I am still finishing two books that I started in January and I am really liking them so I will definitely be doing my first ever book review on the blog because all of you should read them too!

+Drink more water.
once again another goal for the year, err should I say for life. But so far I have been doing really good about my water intake. The majority of the water that I drink in a days time is during my work day because it is so easy to keep a glass full of water on my desk and sip on it all day. It's when I get home that the wine and pop is calling my name. 

+No eating out for lunch/dinner for the whole month
we have found ourselves spending way too much money by eating out for lunch and dinner way more than we should. For one it is not healthy at all and it is even more unhealthy when we are strapped for money at the end of the month and we realize it has all went to food. So I did some major grocery shopping on Saturday and we have meals planned for the next two weeks and I have successfully not grabbed fast food for my lunches this whole week!!!

+No morning shakes.
our office is right next to a Herbalife Health Center and they have some amazing shakes. I frequented there every single morning for the last 8 months or so in replace of eating breakfast. I have not seen any results in my weight because for one I was not paying attention to what else I was consuming throughout the day and I was only eating them for breakfast. And at $6 a piece I have decided to quit it cold turkey and so far I have saved myself $18. I pains me to even do the math and see how much I was spending monthly or yearly by getting those darn things. 

+Take more pictures. Blog more.
this is just something that I need to do. I use this here blog for recording memories and when I slack off on blogging and taking pictures I feel like I am loosing out on being able to look back years from now and saying what we were doing at certain times in our lives.

Here is to a shortened month and some serious cutbacks. I hope I can stick to them and come out of this month with some more money in our pockets and less pounds on the scale :)

1 comment:

  1. Great goals! The eating out thing is definitely a tough one! It helps us not do it only because we live so far away from anything. Lol. :)


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